
Affected by fluctuations in the price of gold G Lu gold profit increases

G Lu gold released today reported that, due to fluctuations in the price of gold, its main business income compared to the same period last year decreased by 32.61%, but its net profit has increased 64.

93%, reaching 55400000 yuan, 0.35 yuan per share.This reporting period, due to fluctuations in the price of gold and gold refining market competition factors, the company purchased a standard refining gold standard gold sales year-on-year decrease, making the company the main business income, cost drops somewhat compared to the same period, respectively 1515750000 yuan, 1287700000 yuan, but the company's main business profit rate compared to the same period increase of 8.

81 percentage points, the main business profit 227740000 yuan, year-on-year increase of 85590000 yuan.This allows the company to the first half of this year net profit and earnings per share compared with the same period last year increased by 64.

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not all of a sudden the nearest gathered so much supply of goods

  ;  ;yesterday was the Yiwu small commodity market, the year of the rabbit opened the first day ,according to the China Commodity City Group Limited by Share Ltd is disclosed ,in 2010, China Commodity City achieved turnover of 45606000000 yuan ,grow 10.
8% compared to the same period ,20 consecutive years ranked in the top major professional markets .And the 2010 Yiwu city trade market turnover amounted to 62110000000 yuan ,grow 11.7% compared to the same period .
Another data is more admirable ,according to Yiwu Jiangdong Street Electronic Commerce Association executive director Liu Wengao said ,2010 Yiwu city network business turnover of 50000000000 yuan ,the growth momentum all the tangible market .
  ;  ;Liu Wengao said ,the number of 50000000000 is from the pay treasure in the flow statistics out, however ,which not only include the network turnover, there is solid market operating households through the network paid turnover ,these households operating both in the Yiwu market stall, and online sales ,and some network earn money to market business entities .
In short ,Yiwu aeriform market and tangible market interactive integration of Yiwu commerce has jumped to a hundred billion yuan scale .  ;  ;electronic commerce development soil rich in   ;  ;two short years ,Yiwu network has grown to more than 3 home .
Yiwu is one of the global commodity distribution center ,to the electronic commerce provides the vigorous development of the soil . Liu Wengao said ,in other places ,not all of a sudden the nearest gathered so much supply of goods ,it is impossible to produce hundreds of net goods wholesalers .
Recently, some net goods wholesalers in association with the initiative is innovation out of the entity net goods supermarket ,the individual shop directly to these supermarkets procurement of products ,can also be put online - information supermarket ,feedback to the upstream network goods wholesalers ,so that the update purchasing direction .
Now there were also specialized in the production of net goods manufacturers ,the upstream business market information collection and then place an order ,they immediately design ,production .
An expected in network sales of goods ,not out of a week to be able to supply large quantities .This is the core competitiveness of Yiwu electronic commerce .  ;  ;tangible market infuse powerful motive force of   ;  ;the Yiwu small commodity market in most households are involved in network marketing ,form, ranging in scale .
Investigation shows ,at present in the market official website -- China Commodity City Network market businesses registered members of 33500 households ,of which 30.54% merchant network order transactions accounted for the total turnover of 30% - 50%, had 66.
14% businesses online trading volume accounted for about 10% of total turnover .In Taobao and other large-scale e-commerce platform and web marketing operating households are more difficult to count .
  ;  ;therefore ,the Yiwu market in the operation of households every day except for a variety of skin color of different foreign buyers come to see goods ,the rest of the time were mostly in line with customer contact .
Not only such ,Yiwu network was invited to output to the field of solid market .Not long ago ,Hunan Zhuzhou Phoenix Yiwu trade city and Yiwu Jiangdong Street business association signed a strategic cooperation agreement ,to provide sourcing, to provide business and technical training ,the local government has arranged 200 college students entering venture ,to solve the employment of college students ,to give 50000 yuan per person stock fund .
At present this model the echo is very good ,many college students have been doing a small scale .  ;  ;to drive a plurality of industry development   ;  ;Yiwu two markets interactive integration ,the turnover time, not only the traditional operating households into second spring ,many of the entrepreneurs start empty-handed also dug up his pot of gold .
Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College devoted to open up network poineering garden ,let thousands of college students on campus began to do poineering work ,currently more than 70% living fees independently, 1/3 student monthly income of thousands of yuan .
  ;  ;network ,surge in the number of goods import and frequent ,led directly to the express logistics industry development .As a result of net goods shipments, Yiwu even had consolidation ,was dedicated to mobilize sources together in one direction of the container ,which saves the consigner logistics cost ,but also improve the efficiency of logistics enterprises .
  ;  ;Liu Wengao said ,according to the online shopping industry development trend analysis ,the future strength of the net goods wholesalers directly facing the consumer network shopping mode will become the mainstream .
In the industry ,art photography ,marketing ,network technology ,network security ,technical training ,logistics management needs very much talent . 2010 Yiwu has network business sales from 10000000 yuan to 100000000 yuan ,for warehouse headache ;this year if he wanted to enterprises from 100000000 yuan to 1000000000 yuan ,will be for the lack of network marketing professionals have a headache .
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Although the material sources than diamond rare

        this 1938 produced necklace consists of multiple without artificial processing of natural Burma Ruby inlaid, auction market prices of up to $3700000.    recently the Guangzhou market, long favored by European royalty Ruby became the new favorite jewelry collectors, some moderate weight, fineness good ruby with a doubled last year prices unpopular turnover, launched a jewelry collection, the investment field of a new round of upsurge.
The weight of the larger the higher the value of Mr. Fu several years ago in Sri Lanka Travel had to buy 5 natural ruby, recently being bought with 930000 yuan.        according to the Guangdong jewelry manufacturers association, chairman of the introduction, in the last year, the 5 rubies total does not exceed 500000 yuan; but since this year, rise in price bring the gold jewelry industry, than diamond rare ruby is worth double.
We then in Guangdong gem identification Association understands, Guangzhou Ruby collectors mainly through folk trade and tourism purchase collection ruby, less directly from the jewelry business buying.
Although the material sources than diamond rare, but as a result of sales trip into the city as diamond, ruby universal value far less expensive per carat diamond, ruby price of around $10000, while the same grade diamond prices as high as 80000 yuan of above, ruby appreciation potential of the higher.
However, ruby price measure complete with diamond with the same.Only 1 carat natural ruby have real value to the collection, synthetic or artificial "filler" Ruby don't have the collection value.Volume weight is decided by ruby price's most important index, the weight of the larger Ruby higher value.
In addition to weight, fineness, origin, cut and process human value is decision gem value four additional indices.Coupler includes color and clarity, except the volume weight, ruby value is the most important measure index.
Originally pure corundum is colorless, only when the aluminum ion is corundum trace chromium ion substitution, corundum only showing rose to red hue, this is ruby.In the red color series, not grey, not partial color, pure color red is the best in the world, namely, experts say the "pigeon blood red"; and a purple, brown Ruby prices will fall.
In addition, pure color but there are cracks, prices will fall.Gem cutting is particularly important because of the quality of quality first-class, produced in Burma for the world's best ruby ruby from Africa, Sri Lanka, and relatively low price of ruby.
From Thailand, Vietnam Ruby low-quality, Guangzhou market sales of the so-called rubies are mostly from Thailand, Vietnam, as a result of this kind of product will be slightly a red light, as long as the careful observation, can still recognize.
Perfect gem cutting its proportion, symmetry are very particular about.When the rotating cut perfect gems, different facet be riotous with colour light emitted in colored gemstones, inherent color flow light, gem has dynamic beauty, inspiration, prices will therefore increase.
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